ELGRAN is a member of “Engineering Surveys in Construction” (SRO “AIIS”), a Self-Regulatory Organization*.  ELGRAN holds a Certificate for specifying, executing and supervising engineering surveys, which are required for the safe design of capital constructions, including highly sensitive and technically complex structures.

SRO “AIIS” – is the largest self-regulatory organization in engineering surveys for constructions, which unites over 2000 companies, including large Russian and foreign companies, main industrial institutes and universities with education programs for specialists in civil engineering.

* Since 2009 the building industry of Russia has passed to self-regulation. Since then the licensing in building industry has been cancelled. From 2010 companies are not allowed to perform any construction works (including all types of engineering surveying) without a self-regulating organization certificate. 






Official english version of the ELGRAN web site!

Welcome to the official english version of the ELGRAN web site!


Seminar "Technology and interpretation of CPT"

Engineers of Elgran Ltd. participated in organising and carrying of the scientific and practical seminar "Technology and interpretation of CPT"

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